album of the month !!

rahhh i love japanese metal so much!!! this album feels a sort of like punk but that could probably just be due to the raspier vocals that are associated with speed metal. flatback was formed in the 80s but for some reason their spotify labels this album as from 2005 for some weird reason??? even though the vocals of this album are soooo 80s but anyway..
songs on repeat

fascist jock itch - skinny puppy
skinny puppy brainrot continues... the bassline in this song is soo brain scratching, and is one of the main reasons as to why I come back to this song so often. also I will gladly be screaming n headbanging to this song. lol.
it was the cat - pistacia this band has taken their songs down from spotify, and it doesn't seem like they will release more music anytime soon. which is a shame, bcos their album EDGY is a great debut EP, and it was th cat was a huge highlight in the record. also I am a sucker for women in metal.
we used to make love - knifehandchop seriously don't know why I didn't like this album on first listen bcos this RIPS. this song in particular is so damn catchy and also makes me hyperactive haha. good stuff
naked man fears no pickpocketing- banshee tile another bandcamp find???? no idea what this song falls under but I love the unhinged energy that banshee tile has in general. I suppose they do call themselves sassy noise rock which is very very fitting. this album was ALMOST my album for this month, but then I found flatback haha.
NOTFAIR- Hatena I listened to Hatena's YEARS OF FAILURE in 2023 and didn't really bother to look more into their work, but I'm glad I did now bcos I think I might be a futuristic funk fan now??? or at least converting into one lmfao. anyway while I do love this song, I feel like you have to listen to the whole album to get the experience, as the album has seamless transitions

fav albums
☆ Dysania
by Elita
★ The First Day of Spring
by Dollhouse
☆ Into The Labrynth
by Dead can Dance
★ even a worm will turn
by senza
☆ Digital Drift
by Thotcrime
★ TA13OO
by Denzel Curry
☆ Creatures
by Drumcorps
★ Bitch Plz
by Heart Shaped Hate
☆ softscars
by yeule
★ too dark park
by skinny puppy
by Elita
★ The First Day of Spring
by Dollhouse
☆ Into The Labrynth
by Dead can Dance
★ even a worm will turn
by senza
☆ Digital Drift
by Thotcrime
★ TA13OO
by Denzel Curry
☆ Creatures
by Drumcorps
★ Bitch Plz
by Heart Shaped Hate
☆ softscars
by yeule
★ too dark park
by skinny puppy
top artists