rahhh i love japanese metal so much!!! this album feels a sort of like punk but that could probably just be due to the raspier vocals that are associated with speed metal. flatback was formed in the 80s but for some reason their spotify labels this album as from 2005 for some weird reason??? even though the vocals of this album are soooo 80s but anyway..

great album for the cold weather ^-^ a friend of mine actually recommended me kiss facility a little while back and I've adored her stuff ever since. she has GOT to collaberate with eartheater one of these days but in any case if you like ethereal type of music (such as eartheater) go listen to esoteric :33

been clearing up some albums that were saved on my spotify.. I dunno why I've put off listening to this album bcos this shit rocks dude lol. it's also great music for crocheting or doing art and the GUITAR. ugh I love how the guitar sort of "shines" throughout this whole album. go listen here :33

new machine girl album??? I know it came out last month, but I never really got the chance to listen to it until recently. I was so happy when 'just because you can' was on this album bcos that was one of my favorites from the global fandemic concert :33

a friend of mine actually introduced me to this album! i loved this kind of music when i was in my early teens, and plus i have a lot of memories tied to psychedelic music. great music for when you're in a location with a lot of nature :3

found this through this downtown mtv interview!! i have not heard of them so i decided to check out one of their albums and i've had their songs on repeat ever since. also their spasmolytic music vid is super sick. go listen right meow >:(

been on a synth music rush as of writing this (thanks katana zero) and wowie this shit does not disappoint. it's so melodic and kind of simple ish but also very experiemental!! link to the album here

I found this band completely on accident lol. but anyway, this shit is so groovy and I'm so glad they didn't just disappear after one EP, since I consistently keep findng bands that only have one release and then disappear LOL. if you like punk stuff go listen right meow >:(

this is the first 45 i ever bought! i also bought this album at a record store due to the cover art looking pretty interesting (i promise i actually use my records lol). initally, i thought it was going to be heavy metal but it surprised me that it had the "classic" type of punk sound if that makes sense. check out the album :p

first discovered debby friday when i found a vinyl coffee shop and ended up buying her double EP "bitchpunk/
deathdrive out of curiosity (and ended up getting a free coffee with it #score!). this album grew on me over the past few months and now i'm in love with it. listen to it here!