welcome to the coven!
greetings and salutations. grittycat is the corner of the internet owned by a guy who enjoys
speaking about many things, such as fashion, animals, video games, and more! he hopes that you stick
around for a while :)
this website is best viewed at 2560 x 1600 resolution

thank you for the visit ^_^
1/27 finished my void rains shrine also new songs n albums for the month :D
1/2 happy new year! been a little unmotivated lately... but am slowly working on my downtown mtv shrine!! should probably finish my void rains upon her heart shrine first though
12/17 got started on a new shrine kind of
12/7 working on my record collection page also new featured short(s) haha
12/1 almost done with my first shrine!! also got started on my records collection
11/9 added a crochet page on my art page! new album of the week + new song on repeat on my music page if yr interested.
10/21 added album/song archive on music page. also almost finished with my first shrine :D
10/8 just minor updates. changed craft page's aesthetic and added more stuff onto my void rains shrine
10/6 got started on my void rains upon her heart shrine! also did some minor housekeeping on my website
9/6 finished music page. just need to fix the last.fm embed help. changed show of the month to currently watching. might change it to something else later ahaha
8/20 redid my art page and also added ne new artwork. also added album of the week and music vids to my music page :)7/30 nuked my music page and made a new theme. finished both side bars.
7/12 I'M BACK LOSERSSS ok so I'm done with summer school, so now I have time to work on this site. I'm now like 2/3rds done with my music pg and will finish it very soon !
6/6 started on my art page even though i said i would finish my music page. i really need to like actually learn how to focus on one thing at a time5/24 Remade my landing page out of boredom
5/13 Slowly working on my music page...
4/18 Music sidebar finished ! Will finish the rest when I feel like it lol
4/1 Haven't done logs in what feels like forever... Redid about and resource page! Music page is in the works :)
4/2 about page done
3/31 college has been eating up my time wahah anyways my about page is almost finished yay
3/8 OK I felt like completely scraping my logs also i fixed my home and landing page. what a fucking pain dude, genuinely do not know what happened there lol
webmaster's lore
I first got into coding when I discovered what episode was when I was in middle school. I
immediately fell in love with messing around with coding and designing in general. While I never
actually published anything, it was just a fun side hobby that I had. I never imagined that it
would come to a 2 year addiction to making carrds me making a webpage