catplush welcome to the coven! cross

greetings and salutations. grittycat is the corner of the internet owned by a guy who enjoys speaking about many things, such as fashion, animals, video games, and more! he hopes that you stick around for a while :)

this website is best viewed at 2560 x 1600 resolution puppy walking

recently watched bridge kids watched bridge kids with my bf pretty recently :P I love the early/mid 2000s vibe that is has and the dialogue is excellent. also not over the fact that the creator worked on midnight gospel???
gameboy advanced net delete tiktok yumenikki hello kitty halloween we should br up nagisa or bebe lpspopular my favorite maries jango shop WEBPS SUCK ASS
congrats! yr view number is...

thank you for the visit ^_^


1/27 finished my void rains shrine also new songs n albums for the month :D

1/2 happy new year! been a little unmotivated lately... but am slowly working on my downtown mtv shrine!! should probably finish my void rains upon her heart shrine first though

12/17 got started on a new shrine kind of

12/7 working on my record collection page also new featured short(s) haha

12/1 almost done with my first shrine!! also got started on my records collection

11/9 added a crochet page on my art page! new album of the week + new song on repeat on my music page if yr interested.

10/21 added album/song archive on music page. also almost finished with my first shrine :D

10/8 just minor updates. changed craft page's aesthetic and added more stuff onto my void rains shrine

10/6 got started on my void rains upon her heart shrine! also did some minor housekeeping on my website

9/6 finished music page. just need to fix the embed help. changed show of the month to currently watching. might change it to something else later ahaha

8/20 redid my art page and also added ne new artwork. also added album of the week and music vids to my music page :)

7/30 nuked my music page and made a new theme. finished both side bars.

7/12 I'M BACK LOSERSSS ok so I'm done with summer school, so now I have time to work on this site. I'm now like 2/3rds done with my music pg and will finish it very soon !

6/6 started on my art page even though i said i would finish my music page. i really need to like actually learn how to focus on one thing at a time

5/24 Remade my landing page out of boredom

5/13 Slowly working on my music page...

4/18 Music sidebar finished ! Will finish the rest when I feel like it lol

4/1 Haven't done logs in what feels like forever... Redid about and resource page! Music page is in the works :)

4/2 about page done

3/31 college has been eating up my time wahah anyways my about page is almost finished yay

3/8 OK I felt like completely scraping my logs also i fixed my home and landing page. what a fucking pain dude, genuinely do not know what happened there lol

checkered stars webmaster's lore fluffy rat

I first got into coding when I discovered what episode was when I was in middle school. I immediately fell in love with messing around with coding and designing in general. While I never actually published anything, it was just a fun side hobby that I had. I never imagined that it would come to a 2 year addiction to making carrds me making a webpage

teeth divider
hylics i <3 big dog luv warrior cats opossum umbrellaman trippycat stamp mariposaa emilythestrange stamp daisies stamp rpgmaker stamp venus mcflytrap deer stamp rubygloom
amalgamatiion gothomousspiderspiritcellar isntreal sunnyshines kiskadee tvkid thepiratebay66 roboticorporatingbuddy item64 cheytopia swampgremlin antiamorous tmrw's breakfast murderscene
like what you see?

feel free to link

my site :]

my button


inu curry madoka magica art
pocket watch favicon void rains upon

her heart

iguana favicon littlest pet shop

yellow and blue stars favicon touhou luna


playful goat favicon skinny puppy

this webmaster is currently listening to...
Cat On Tree